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National Paddy Day Being Celebrated Today

Asar 15, observed as national paddy day is being celebrated throughout the country today.

The day has its special significance as it is considered as “mano ropera muri falaune din”. This day, paddy plantation is done throughout the nation as monsoon intensfies and fields are flooded with rainwater making irrigation easy for farmers. The day is of great importance as most rural population of Nepal are heavily dependent on agriculture and paddy is their major crop.

Nepal government has officially started to celebrate national paddg day since 2062 B.S. The slogan of this year’s national paddy day is “धान रोपौँ, खाद्यान्नमा आत्मनिर्भर बनौँ”, roughly translated as “plant paddy, be selfdependent in food”.

Asar 15 is also celebrated as dahi chiura day where people eat beaten rice with curd. It is believed that curd and beaten rice gives pleasantness in body and helps to energize as well.

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