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Shortage Of Employees Hinders Service Delivery In Myagdi

Service delivery from the District Land Revenue Office has been hindered due to shortage of employees. Although the employees’ quota here is 20, there are only 10 employees including office chief at present.

Officer Krishna Bahadur Karki informed that the employees’ quota of four each for kharidar, and nayab subba, and one for accountant is vacant. “New employees have not come in place of those transferred from here, which resulted in shortage of human resources, thereby impacting daily public service delivery,” he added. He further said it had been challenging to deliver service in a prompt manner. Office chief Karki informed that necessary human resources were demanded from the line ministry and Public Service Commission.

Two computer operators have been hired as temporary employees. Record keeping and tallying land documents is badly affected, he said, adding that employees from other sections have been mobilized here.

Meanwhile, the District Land Revenue Office collected more than Rs 50 million in revenue from the transaction of land and house in the last fiscal year. It was however less by nearly one million compared to the previous fiscal year.

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