Two deaths have been reported due to Covid with additional 347 cases added across the nation.
In the last 24 hours, 2,360 PCR test were performed out of which 303 cases came positive. Similarly, 44 cases out of 1528 antigen tests came positive. This has taken active cases throughout the nation to 3177 out of whom 3035 are in home isolation.
22 cases are being treated in intensive care unit while 2 are being treated in ventilator. The fresh wave of Covid has started to become concerning with positivity rate as well as fatality rate also creeping up. 5 people have died due to covid in the month of Shrawan alone.
Kathmandu has seen spike in new infections with 169 cases in last 24 hours. Similarly Lalitpur logged 35 cases, Kaski 27 and Morang 17 new cases.