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Pokhara Metro Slashes Tax Rate, Parking Set To Be Free

Pokhara metro has slashed tax rate in various topics with parking set to be free in the city.

Mayor Dhanaraj Acharya informed that metro decided to relax tax rates respecting public suggestion and advices. “Metro has slashed property tax rate, business tax, house & land rental tax”, Acharya informed in press met organized on Monday to discuss about recently endorsed budget. Rental tax has been reduced to 3% for individual, 5% for business and 7% for company limited. Acharya also said that metro will publish revised tax rate on other topics very soon.

Another notable decision by metro in this budget is to make parking free. Metro has been collecting parking fee even in vehicles parked at road without any proper parking facility. Acharya informed that parking fee will be removed as soon as metro’s previous contract to collect parking will end. The contract is due for next few months. Similarly metro will not impose any tax upon hoarding and advertisement board for individual business.

In context of buildings that are built disobeying metro’s criteria, metro will impose punitive tax rate, Acharya said, “It is beyond metro’s ability to demolish such structure so we will be imposing higher tax rate as punitive measure”. Mayor Acharya also informed that people will start to feel metro’s actions after beginning of new fiscal year.

Metro endorsed a budget of 8.77 billion for the fiscal year 2079/80. Budget is almost one third more than that of previous year.

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